After a first encounter with the handpan in 2006, which moved me musically very much, then finally in 2018 the handpan has become an important part of my musical repertoire and artistic work. The warm and gentle sounds of this young instrument fascinate me and have captivated me. For me, the handpan offers the perfect interface between rhythm and melody. Currently, this instrument is often associated with relaxation music. However, since it has much more to offer musically from my point of view, it is a great concern of mine to integrate and establish the handpan in other styles as well.

Here I show my created Hanpan projects and examples to implement this concern and I hope that many more will follow.

Drumatic Times (2021)

A project with Pedro Weiss (percussion), Abhirup Roy (tabla) and me.

After a studio session by Pedro Weiss and Abhirup Roy , I arranged song structures from the resulting grooves. For this I programmed the basses, played in synthesizers, piano, saxophone and flute, and added these to the grooves. It was the first time I had the opportunity to integrate the handpan into this style.

The first step was taken and a rhythmically oriented , but also melodically and musically very exciting album was created.

It's worth listening!

Listen on Spotify

Buchner-Weiss Project Chronos (2023)

Based on Drumatic Times and the fruitful collaboration with the artist Pedro Weiss, came the impulse for another project.

The intention was to create an album mainly with compositions by me. The plan was to place the handpan more clearly and to give it the same importance as the saxophone and the flute.

My intention was to invite guest musicians as well. For this I could win Sören Jordan (guitar) and Henrik Mumm (cello). The two musicians and the instruments fit wonderfully into the project and rounded off the compositions grandiosely.

The album has once again become very varied, rhythmic, melodic, experimental and musically very exciting. Pedro Weiss has created the foundation for this with his innovative grooves and his incredible sense of rhythm.

It was a very intense and joyful creative process With this album I succeeded in putting the handpan into a new musical context according to my ideas.

Be sure to listen in!!! It grooves.

Listen on Spotify

Indian Spirit (2022)

In November 2022 I invited the musicians Abhirup Roy (tabla) and Deepsankar Bhattacharjee (sitar), who were just on tour in Germany, as well as Pedro Weiss (percussion) and Wlad Larkin (double bass) to the studio for a video shoot.

My handpan compositions, "Little Stepp" and "El Leon" were the focus.

After I presented these two compositions, this spontaneous meeting resulted in a wonderful musical understanding, and we were able to capture the spirit of this meeting and the musical exchange in two very successful videos.

The Pantastics

In January 2023, Nadine Stanilewicz and I crossed paths for the second time.

Nadine, an excellent multi-instrumentalist and experienced handpan artist, and I had the idea to exchange musical ideas and jam together.

We realized quite quickly that our respective ways of playing handpan complemented each other wonderfully. The combinations of our different handpans also turned out to be unique and currently offers us many different ways to vary the handpan musically.

From these combinations and the basis of our existing compositions, we had quite quickly worked out a program and given concerts. But this is only the beginning. We still have a lot of ideas together how we want to continue our common musical path and we look where this journey takes us.


In the Kaffeehaus Trio I mainly play the saxophone. At one concert, however, I couldn't resist using the handpan.

Here, the result: